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      Your location:News >> Company >> Browse
      What tests are needed for plastic fasteners
      Time:2020-07-07  Browse:

      Each fastener product must involve some standards in several aspects:

      1) Standards on the technical conditions of plastic fastener products. Specifically, it includes the following standards:

           a) Tolerance standards for fasteners: specify product size tolerances and geometric tolerances.

           b) Fastener product mechanical performance standards: specify the marking method of product mechanical performance levels and the content of mechanical performance items and requirements; some fastener products change this content to product material performance or work performance Aspect content.

           c) Standards for fastener product surface defects: specify the types of product surface defects and specific requirements.

           d) Surface treatment standards of fastener products: specify product surface treatment types and specific requirements.

           e) Fastener product test standards: specify the test contents of the various performance requirements mentioned above.

      2) Fastener product size standards: specify the content of the basic size of the product; products with threads also include the basic size of the thread, thread end, shoulder distance, undercut and chamfer, and the end of external threaded parts Dimensions and other aspects.


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